Positions and Interests
Frequently, people in a conflict have fixed positions that are incompatible with one another, including how they see the conflict, who is right and who is wrong, and what they want to happen. Unlike their positions, however, their interests may not be incompatible. Understanding these interests can lead to mutually acceptable solutions that meet all parties' needs.
Interests are the basic needs that everyone tries to get satisfied in their lives. We get into conflict when we feel these interests are not being met. Interests are often intangible and are always positive.
Examples of interests include:
- Love
- Friendship
- Approval
- Appreciation
- Understanding
- Acceptance
- Respect
- Self esteem
- Consideration
- Privacy
- Comfort
- Trust
- Power
- Control
- Order
- Competence
- Safety
- Security
- Freedom
- Relaxation
- Fun
- Excitement
- Physical needs (food, shelter, clothing, etc.)
Adapted from materials developed by Community Mediation, Inc., New Haven, Connecticut.