Policies specific to faculty include:

Consensual Relationships Involving Students

This policy prohibits consensual and non-consensual romantic and/or sexual relationships between a faculty member and a student of the same sex or the opposite sex who is enrolled in a course being taught by the faculty member or whose academic work is being supervised, directly or indirectly, by the faculty member.  A romantic and/or sexual relationship between a faculty member or graduate student with teaching responsibilities and a student outside the instructional context must be disclosed if it may present a conflict of interest.

Faculty Dispute Procedures

These procedures outline the steps to address disputes involving faculty, including denial of tenure, promotion or reappointment, grievances, ethics, and unfitness, and describes the Faculty Judicial Commission.

Faculty Ethics and Academic Responsibility

This policy states that faculty members should treat students with respect and avoid exploitation of students.  In addition, colleagues should be treated with respect, their contributions to work acknowledged, and their performance evaluated objectively.